Sculptor at work

Barbara Postelnek is a sculptor from three generations of artists. Her grandparents were forced out of Russia in the early 1900's during land confiscation and forced conscription, losing their property and history. Instead of passing on possessions they instilled an appreciation of art in her mother who became an artist and teacher. Her grandfather's hobby was working in mosaic and in copper. The other side of her family was artsy as well. Barbara's father painted as a hobby.

Barbara grew up in the suburbs of Maryland where she regularly enjoyed the museums of Washington, D.C. She earned her degree at the University of Maryland, moved to New York City, and married. While her husband was being treated for cancer, she realized how unpredictable life could be and turned to her passion of Art and sculpting. Scholarships from both the National Academy of Design and the National Sculpture Society allowed her to study for many years with seven different instructors. In 1999 she moved to San Diego where she continues to create and teach.


San Diego - By appt


Museum - The Butler Institute in Youngstown, OH juried her bronze figure "It Doesn't Matter" into their permanent collection in 2006. This is the USA's first museum of American Art founded in 1919. Its mission is to collect important works of art created by citizens of the USA.

National Academy of Design

National Academy of Design, NYC

The Art Students League, NYC

University of Maryland, BA, Behavioral Sciences