sculpture class and model

Classes begin with the basic proportions, applying visual anatomy, and then moving on to personal style. Classes are tailored to the individual's goals and abilities. Every style is supported.

Art has movement, emotion, and commentary. The choosing of a pose attempts to create these elements. Concepts of negative and positive space, balance, and mass are addressed in short lectures. Demonstrations are given to the class and to the individual student.

Sculpture Class in San Diego

Upcoming Classes to be announced

Sundays 12pm to 3pm

Live female model

Private class in your home or organize your own group.


Order the day you register.

You are welcome to bring your own.

- Clay- $12 (red or grey)

- Laminated boards - $7

- Tool - $5

- Armature materials -differs (reusable)

- Bring spray bottle, dry-cleaning bags, a large garbage bag, newspaper, and masking tape.